Wednesday, January 2, 2008

updates on 24th Dec 2007 to 31st Dec 2007*~ part 2

~ 27th December 2007, Thursday ~

Met up with Ah Ju, Biao Mei (Sheryln), Kelly, Long Qing, Ronald and Ian for dinner. The initial plan was to go to Waruka Pasta but Ronald did not make any reservation. Haha. Sheryln gave him some "music". Luckily, I did not get much scolding when I did not book for TCC on 24th. Keke.

I tried the Unagi Fried rice and it tasted good, like claypot rice with Unagi! Ronald got a Terayaki Don. While the rest tried the paper streamboats. Heard from them that the portion was really small! Later on, the girls tried the tempura ice-cream and the potato cheese mochi. The former was quite okies though the others felt it was normal. BUT BUT... THE POTATO CHEESE MOCHI WAS SUPER HEAVENLY!!! TRY IT, TRY IT!!! At the end of the meal, I was surprised that Long Qing volunteered to treat us. It was so generous of her! We went to walk walk around Esplanade. As usual, we took a lot of pictures!!! How can we not with Sheryln around?? Lol.

[ From left to right: Thong Lun, Ronald, Ian, Sherlyn, Long Qing, Me and Kelly. ]

[ the girls. ]

[ what to eat?? everything seems nice!]

[ paper streamboat. i wonder how come the paper can withstand the heat and soup? ]

[ Ronald's terayaki don ]

[ potato cheese mochi ]

[ the guys. Ronald and Ian slipping their soda while Ah Ju watching them. ]

[ the cousins - Biao Ge and Biao Mei ]

They had 5000 spheres with wishes floating on Marina Bay. There was this spheres with the drawing of a girl and a boy. Damn scary sia. We could see the girl very clearly. Though it is some drawing, we felt that it seemed like some girl head floating there!! Wa!!

[ the head! ]

At the Esplande, there is a display of colorful artwork by YOUNG kids! They are so cute and colourful!! I can't believe it. They are done by the kids. Suddenly, I feel that Singapore's future is sparkingly bright with these creative kids as her pillars of support.

And, I got a very unique card on that day! It is a limited edition card from TL Production. When I first opened the envelope, the card looked so simple and sweet! I turned to the back of the card in anticipation of some messages. But there was none. I felt very puzzled. Then I realized that the hat could be opened! And, the message was hidden there!!! Gosh. So cute!! This is the best hand made card I ever received! Simple, cute, sweet, creative and surprising, all at the same time!!! Thank you, Ah Ju!!

I wana thanks Shu Ting also. She gave me another snow globe during Christmas Eve. When I was tidying up my room, I realized that she is constantly adding on to my snow globe collection. I am so touched that she still remembers... Thank you my dear!

~ 28th December 2007, Friday ~

Met up with Ah Seow to buy his mother's side table at Ikea and explored the wonders of home accessories. When I touched every item, I couldn't wait to decorate my own house. Then, afther everything, we went to fill our stomach with yummy MEATBALLS!!!

Later, Ah Seow dropped me off at bugis and I dropped my handphone while waiting for the OVE'07 people to reach. My heart really ached. There are a couple of serious damages done!! Arugh!

Had Tian Tian Streamboat!! Mmm... Not really a huge fan anyway. Since Jeremy took the initiative to plan it, shouldn't be too fussy then. The ma la soup is damn spicy lei!!! The gathering was also to send Kian Boon to US. Time really flies.. Clarence is back from China also le.. Youth is really scanty sia. Lol.

~ 30th December 2007, Sunday ~

Went to "The Extreme Night" exhibition t Expo with Francis. The exhibition was quite disappointing. There was a limited range of modified cars displayed. And some of those displayed were not really impressive. I would say, it was quite disappointing as it failed to entice one to engage in deeper exploration of the "art". I witnessed something interesting. There were quite a few models posing around the cars wearing skimpy clothings. Initially, when we entered the exhibition hall, there wasnt much crowd gathered around the cars. Suddenly, we realized that there was a huge crowd out of nowhere. Francis said that normally this kinda crowd was attracted by the models rather than the cars. True enough, when the models moved to pose with the next car, the pack followed them like bees attracted to honey, metals attracted to magnets, sharks attracted to blood.

This went on without failed. We did a minor experiment. We went to peek on what was on the camera screen. LOl. Again, true enough!! The people were mostly taking pictures of the models rather than the car! Muhaha. Tsk tsk!! I dunno why the skimpy clothed models must be presented. Benson said it is a must for car show. But I am thinking, "Go there see car or gal??

Outside of the exhibition hall, there was a display of real live action!! Some regional drifters (those who drift?? are they called that??) were doing REAL TIME DRIFTING in the carpark. Yeah!!! Normally, I watched people drifted on TV, in movie and clips, in arcade but never the real action right in front of me!!! This time round, we could hear the roar of the engines, screeching of the tyres, smell the friction generated from the rough contact between the wheels and the road. Every cell in my body was breathing in excitment drawn from the exhaust pipe, the steering wheel, the brakes, the turbo engine.. everything!! OMG! I want to drive. I want to drift. I want to drive and drift!

San, Sab, Choon mei, they are all learning diving now. Sab even got her license! Now Chai Hong told me she has registered herself for lessons!!! I am so envy!! Waiting and wishing for my turn to come!

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