Keke.. Haven't been updating because I was busy. With what? I asked myself that too. Haha. It seems that good times really zrrooooomzzz like supersonic train. A turn of head, and now I am at the last week of our valuable school vacation! Went out almost everyday, and if I am not, I will be nua-ing, trying to do a BIT of spring cleaning and rushing Kdramas. Life seems pretty... NUA! Lol.
Here are some updates and pictures of my nua days!
Met up with Pei Ting on Christmas Eve to pass her truffles. She gave me her chocolate cookie men (that's what she called it). I was quite late.. She was quite mad. But everything was resolved. I was repentant. Hopefully, I will be able to eliminate lateness from my soul. Anyway, her chocolate cookie men were yummmmmy! Love them! Love sweet Pei Ting!!

[ look cute, taste good! ]

[ .peiting. and me ]
After meeting Pei Ting, I went to meet my secondary school friends for a Christmas dinner. It had been YEARS since we last met up. Met up with Choon Sun, Yong Fa and Benson first. We were supposed to go to TCC for dinner but I didn't make any reservation. Thus, we had to find else where. We ended up going to Billy Bombers. With Pei Zhen, we started crapping and eating first while waiting for the others. When the full force was reached, we talked more craps and played pool. After, an hour of pool, Shu Ting, Pei Zhen, Benson, Soon Wei, Hock Siong, Choon Guan and Pei Gen went to Bukit Timah for prata. FINALLY, I satisfied my craving for tissue prata! I tried the chocolate tissue prata. It was super drooling. My hands couldn't stop. That is all for my secondary school gathering.
It wasn't well executed but I was glad to meet them. The reunion made this Christmas special. Besides, what bets meeting old friends in this season of Joys, Loves and Hopes? Shu Ting Pei Zhen, Benson, Hock Siong, Choon Guan, Hock Siong, Soon Wei, Min Cen did not change much, or rather they are recognizable. For the others, they experienced drastic changes. Like Yong Fa, he becomes so slim! Choon Sun grows taller and handsomer (heard from Shu Ting and Yong Fa that he is popular among the SIM girls). Amos totally changed. We couldn't recognize him at all!
Honestly, I was quite peh chek to plan this thing. Cos it was hard to gather solid responses and suggestions on where to go. I didn't do a good job (I shall not deny it!) but I truly understand something. It is not easy to plan a gathering. Now I understand how San felt when we all did not respond to her messages when she was planning primary school outing back then. Thanks, Ah San, for giving up on us. =) So from now on, I shall try not to be too difficult for organizers.

[ the Christmas tree @ Billy Bombers, accompanied by a life-size Tabasco! Hot HOT!!]

[ cheers to a great Christmas. mmm. dunno why they feel that the champagne cocktail is unbearable. i still find it quite okies. ]

[ us! From left to right: Mincen's collegue (she is called Winnie i think.), Min Cen, Yong Fa, Benson, Choon Sun, Choon Guan, Soon Wei, Amos, Pei Gen, Pei Zhen, Wei Ching and Shu Ting. ]

[ chocolate tissue prata!! ]
~ 26th December 2007, Wednesday ~
Went for OVE'08 garang guni flyer distribution at Bedok. It was quite a tough job as there was a lack of manpower. It was also the most frightening garang guni experience for me. Bedok residents like pets a lot. There were quite a few houses with cats and dogs. There was this house, where I thought was clear of pet. Who know when I was very close to the door, I saw this cat laying lazily on the shoe rack like than a metre from me. I jumped! She was glaring at me as if she was warning me not to disturb her. At another unit, I heard this dog barking when I was nearing the house. I thought I may have to skip the unit. But when I peeked into the house, the dog was hiding around the hallway. So i thought: "haha, might as well take the gamble. Faster drop the flyer and scam." Wa. I was so wrong. The dog ran like hell and throw herself at the gate. I wanted to scream but there was this uncle standing at the doorway at the next unit. I need to maintain my "xiao rou" disposition.
Met up with the HI guys for dinner. I was quite stunned when I reached Minds @ Purvis. I was expecting more to turn up since we were celebrating Zhi Cheng's and Quan Li's birthday. But anyway, we did the usual stuff: played some games, ate lotsa snacks and cake! As for birthday gift, Zhi Cheng got a Apple earphone and Quan Li got a Manchester United DVD (I think).
Here are some updates and pictures of my nua days!
Met up with Pei Ting on Christmas Eve to pass her truffles. She gave me her chocolate cookie men (that's what she called it). I was quite late.. She was quite mad. But everything was resolved. I was repentant. Hopefully, I will be able to eliminate lateness from my soul. Anyway, her chocolate cookie men were yummmmmy! Love them! Love sweet Pei Ting!!
[ look cute, taste good! ]

[ .peiting. and me ]
After meeting Pei Ting, I went to meet my secondary school friends for a Christmas dinner. It had been YEARS since we last met up. Met up with Choon Sun, Yong Fa and Benson first. We were supposed to go to TCC for dinner but I didn't make any reservation. Thus, we had to find else where. We ended up going to Billy Bombers. With Pei Zhen, we started crapping and eating first while waiting for the others. When the full force was reached, we talked more craps and played pool. After, an hour of pool, Shu Ting, Pei Zhen, Benson, Soon Wei, Hock Siong, Choon Guan and Pei Gen went to Bukit Timah for prata. FINALLY, I satisfied my craving for tissue prata! I tried the chocolate tissue prata. It was super drooling. My hands couldn't stop. That is all for my secondary school gathering.
It wasn't well executed but I was glad to meet them. The reunion made this Christmas special. Besides, what bets meeting old friends in this season of Joys, Loves and Hopes? Shu Ting Pei Zhen, Benson, Hock Siong, Choon Guan, Hock Siong, Soon Wei, Min Cen did not change much, or rather they are recognizable. For the others, they experienced drastic changes. Like Yong Fa, he becomes so slim! Choon Sun grows taller and handsomer (heard from Shu Ting and Yong Fa that he is popular among the SIM girls). Amos totally changed. We couldn't recognize him at all!
Honestly, I was quite peh chek to plan this thing. Cos it was hard to gather solid responses and suggestions on where to go. I didn't do a good job (I shall not deny it!) but I truly understand something. It is not easy to plan a gathering. Now I understand how San felt when we all did not respond to her messages when she was planning primary school outing back then. Thanks, Ah San, for giving up on us. =) So from now on, I shall try not to be too difficult for organizers.

[ the Christmas tree @ Billy Bombers, accompanied by a life-size Tabasco! Hot HOT!!]

[ cheers to a great Christmas. mmm. dunno why they feel that the champagne cocktail is unbearable. i still find it quite okies. ]
[ us! From left to right: Mincen's collegue (she is called Winnie i think.), Min Cen, Yong Fa, Benson, Choon Sun, Choon Guan, Soon Wei, Amos, Pei Gen, Pei Zhen, Wei Ching and Shu Ting. ]

[ chocolate tissue prata!! ]
~ 26th December 2007, Wednesday ~
Went for OVE'08 garang guni flyer distribution at Bedok. It was quite a tough job as there was a lack of manpower. It was also the most frightening garang guni experience for me. Bedok residents like pets a lot. There were quite a few houses with cats and dogs. There was this house, where I thought was clear of pet. Who know when I was very close to the door, I saw this cat laying lazily on the shoe rack like than a metre from me. I jumped! She was glaring at me as if she was warning me not to disturb her. At another unit, I heard this dog barking when I was nearing the house. I thought I may have to skip the unit. But when I peeked into the house, the dog was hiding around the hallway. So i thought: "haha, might as well take the gamble. Faster drop the flyer and scam." Wa. I was so wrong. The dog ran like hell and throw herself at the gate. I wanted to scream but there was this uncle standing at the doorway at the next unit. I need to maintain my "xiao rou" disposition.
Met up with the HI guys for dinner. I was quite stunned when I reached Minds @ Purvis. I was expecting more to turn up since we were celebrating Zhi Cheng's and Quan Li's birthday. But anyway, we did the usual stuff: played some games, ate lotsa snacks and cake! As for birthday gift, Zhi Cheng got a Apple earphone and Quan Li got a Manchester United DVD (I think).
[ us with baoli who worked there and provided alot of helps. ]
[ quanli and zhicheng with their super belated birthday cake ]
[ quanli blowing out the candles.. mmm. looks like... ***key.. =P ]
[ first cut on the birthday cake cannot be a "through" cut. why lei?? ]
[ elena with her slice of chocolate cake ]
[ dan with his slice of cake ]
[ our snacks~ drool! ]
[ attack! ]
[ let's play Imaginiff. ]
[ korping at his shot on the Jenga. ]
[ melvin with his lucky block of Jenga ]
[ we were all stressed up. afterall, the loser gonna do all the Dares listed on the blocks! ]
[ yesh!! i found a loose block! ]
[ zhicheng the engineer at work. ]
[ will quanli make it through his turn?? ]
[ Hold your breath! ]
[ elena handling her turn with TLC. ]
[ OH! It is time for collapse! Risky!! ]
[ Arugh!! ]
[ quanli and his nice save. ]
[ korping with his dare: try to touch your nose with your tongue. Eh.. Far from touching lei! haha. ]
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