Lol. Looks like my little "adventure" didn't work out well. Haha. YS complained that the white portion didn't auto-adjust. I thought it's only Safari and Firefox couldn't view the blogskin properly. Now AJ and Dan complained also. I think something is wrong with codes.. I am lazy to look at it sooo I should revert back to my original and cute blogskin. LOL. There are the updates on my Tuesday and Wednesday.
We finally found the counter and realized that we had to deposit our phones at the counter. What a hassle man!! I seriously don't get the point of it. Come on, I won't want to hold the phone to record the show for 125 mins??
Like a typical Singaporean, the goodies bag compensates a little for the hassle. LOL. I must say the goodies are quite useful. Normally, you will get expired magazine or vouchers that are of little use-value. But this one consists of a Lip gloss, SPF30 Sunscreen, Anti-Cellulite patch and Men's oil control facial foam. Not bad right. Nivea satisfies its marketing goal while we have freebies to try on! Win-win situation! Haha.
P.S: I found out who is the MediaCorp artist whom I think is quite cute for local standard!! Rem aj, I told you about him before!! But I didn't know his name. He is Nat Ho. Refer to the product packaging on the left. He acted in Huang Jin Lu and is now the spokeman for Nivea.
Anyway, I was sitting behind Yang Jun Wei and his friend (who used to be an anchorman). See San, I spotted some celebs.. Hee.
The movie is okies. I will give it a 3.75 popcorn out of 5, I say. It is a more serious superhero story, touching on politic issues. I like that this hero does not question whether he should be a superhero at the expense of his normal life (unlike Spiderman who spent so much of the screen time brooding over the choice of normal life and love or his super hero life. Boo dread, it becomes a dread after 3rd movie lo! lol). Maybe it is due to the fact that he is trying to ratify his mistakes. But it is refreshing to have someone who gained self-awareness and so firm on becoming a humanitarian. You can tell that Tony Starks (the "man behind the iron mask") was enjoying every bit of his transformation to Iron Man (which is comforting).
Another plus point is that the movie focused on developing the character of Starks rather than letting the superhero dragging the person beneath the suit along. From the interview from Life (30th April 2008), the director, Jon Favreau mentioned something interesting: "I wanted Robrt (Downey Jr) to define Iron Man. I didn't want Iron Man to define Robert. When They cast Tobey McGuire, he was a good actor, but he was Spider-ma. Spider was the star."
Finally, to see a billionaire woke up from his capitalist dream and turned against it was shiok!! Lol.
The down side is... the weak story. Starks and his partner in his escape were built the inital Iron Man suit under constant surveillance and spot-check by their captors. Unbelievable. His partner put in so much efforts to aid the success of the escape but on his last breath said that it was okie for him to die cos he always wanted it. Contradicting. The villian robot was 3 times larger than Iron Man but died in less than 15 mintues fight. Towards the closing I thought there would be a sequel. Who knows the concluding scene confused me. At a press conference, Starks, who was supposed to deny that he had anything to do with Iron Man, announced this: The truth is... I am Iron Man. Dots.

Anway, we caught a nice movie!! Hansel and Gretel, watch it!! The movie was slow at first and got more and more thrilling!! Suspense built up and horrors started creeping in abit. I was kinda scared, covering my eyes and ears as usual. But towards the end of the show, the story took an unexpected twist that brought tears. Is there a good or evil person?? Everything is situational. Situations define who we are at the moment. Situations accumulate and develop our world views. So I feel it is irrevelant to immediately categorize a person as good or bad. Cannot talk much on this movie bcos it will spoil the surprise! It is not very scary and gruesome so van van you can watch it. esther, can watch it too, cos you will sure shed tears=p Denise ar, not gruesome enough for you lei=)
For dinner, we went to BK but the highlight is... DESERT! We went to Secret Recipe for their famous cakes. Their service is average. The cakes Elena order were not available. I ordered drink but they never served it. Ended up, we had Royal Chocolate cake and White Chocolate Macadamia. I love the White Chocolate one! I love white chocolate, I love Macadamia. The combination of both is a blast man!!! I just love it so much!!! Yumm Yuuuum. The Royal Chocolate one is nice but not enough to tempt me! Lol.
Hope that Elena will take care and I should see her soon.=)
Did you notice that there is no photo taken?? Cos.. I had a terrible haircut and I vowed not to take photo until the condition improves!!
I miss you, hairs!! Please come back to me!! I love you so much. Hais.
I need to visit 3 types of doctors: Dental, Eye and Skin. Hais.
I am cheapo. Anyone has cheap and good doc to recommend? Any doc like Chris, MC and Henry from Healing Hand 3?
Nivea Sunscreen. What a tagline! Lin mei mei pointed out that the tagline looks like some condom ones. Indeed, it sounds like!!
Okies. It is a long entry. Should take a break from the typing! And resume next week. Enjoy and take cares people!=)
One of my favourite songs for you at the meantime:
Went to Iron Man's gala with my sister. Her friend gave her the tickets. It was my first gala, and gosh, it was quite a major event. We were supposed to register out camera and even phone before we entered the cinema hall. However, my sister and I wandered around like mad to find the counter. We approached a few staffs and they were clueless too. It was really frustrating! Bumping around, we followed this Caucasian couple who was searching for the counter too. They joined this queue so we joined too. The usher asked us for tickets so we showed him our tickets lo. Den he said the other tickets. We were like "huh? These are the tickets. You see lo." After a bit commotion and it was getting to nowhere, he said " Are you from the media?" My sister was confused but I got what he was trying to put across! He explained the queue was for media to enter the press conference. Super paiseh sia.We finally found the counter and realized that we had to deposit our phones at the counter. What a hassle man!! I seriously don't get the point of it. Come on, I won't want to hold the phone to record the show for 125 mins??
Like a typical Singaporean, the goodies bag compensates a little for the hassle. LOL. I must say the goodies are quite useful. Normally, you will get expired magazine or vouchers that are of little use-value. But this one consists of a Lip gloss, SPF30 Sunscreen, Anti-Cellulite patch and Men's oil control facial foam. Not bad right. Nivea satisfies its marketing goal while we have freebies to try on! Win-win situation! Haha.

Anyway, I was sitting behind Yang Jun Wei and his friend (who used to be an anchorman). See San, I spotted some celebs.. Hee.
The movie is okies. I will give it a 3.75 popcorn out of 5, I say. It is a more serious superhero story, touching on politic issues. I like that this hero does not question whether he should be a superhero at the expense of his normal life (unlike Spiderman who spent so much of the screen time brooding over the choice of normal life and love or his super hero life. Boo dread, it becomes a dread after 3rd movie lo! lol). Maybe it is due to the fact that he is trying to ratify his mistakes. But it is refreshing to have someone who gained self-awareness and so firm on becoming a humanitarian. You can tell that Tony Starks (the "man behind the iron mask") was enjoying every bit of his transformation to Iron Man (which is comforting).
Another plus point is that the movie focused on developing the character of Starks rather than letting the superhero dragging the person beneath the suit along. From the interview from Life (30th April 2008), the director, Jon Favreau mentioned something interesting: "I wanted Robrt (Downey Jr) to define Iron Man. I didn't want Iron Man to define Robert. When They cast Tobey McGuire, he was a good actor, but he was Spider-ma. Spider was the star."
Finally, to see a billionaire woke up from his capitalist dream and turned against it was shiok!! Lol.
The down side is... the weak story. Starks and his partner in his escape were built the inital Iron Man suit under constant surveillance and spot-check by their captors. Unbelievable. His partner put in so much efforts to aid the success of the escape but on his last breath said that it was okie for him to die cos he always wanted it. Contradicting. The villian robot was 3 times larger than Iron Man but died in less than 15 mintues fight. Towards the closing I thought there would be a sequel. Who knows the concluding scene confused me. At a press conference, Starks, who was supposed to deny that he had anything to do with Iron Man, announced this: The truth is... I am Iron Man. Dots.
Nonethessless, watch it cos it is coool! Watching Iron Man flies is super shiok. Like F1 in the sky!! Machiam like a flashing red Ferrari vroooming by!

Met up with ELENA!!! Gosh! She slimmed down until so skinny. Poor gal, I can imagine how tough the sems was. We shopped around abit at Vivo City. Bad Elena, keep finding skimpy clothing for me ah! =p I want a 3/4 m:)phosis's pant @ $46.50 and a Charles and Keith's bling bling scandal @$35! I dreamt about them last night!! Why so pretty things are so expensive?? Sob!Anway, we caught a nice movie!! Hansel and Gretel, watch it!! The movie was slow at first and got more and more thrilling!! Suspense built up and horrors started creeping in abit. I was kinda scared, covering my eyes and ears as usual. But towards the end of the show, the story took an unexpected twist that brought tears. Is there a good or evil person?? Everything is situational. Situations define who we are at the moment. Situations accumulate and develop our world views. So I feel it is irrevelant to immediately categorize a person as good or bad. Cannot talk much on this movie bcos it will spoil the surprise! It is not very scary and gruesome so van van you can watch it. esther, can watch it too, cos you will sure shed tears=p Denise ar, not gruesome enough for you lei=)
For dinner, we went to BK but the highlight is... DESERT! We went to Secret Recipe for their famous cakes. Their service is average. The cakes Elena order were not available. I ordered drink but they never served it. Ended up, we had Royal Chocolate cake and White Chocolate Macadamia. I love the White Chocolate one! I love white chocolate, I love Macadamia. The combination of both is a blast man!!! I just love it so much!!! Yumm Yuuuum. The Royal Chocolate one is nice but not enough to tempt me! Lol.
Hope that Elena will take care and I should see her soon.=)
Did you notice that there is no photo taken?? Cos.. I had a terrible haircut and I vowed not to take photo until the condition improves!!

I need to visit 3 types of doctors: Dental, Eye and Skin. Hais.
I am cheapo. Anyone has cheap and good doc to recommend? Any doc like Chris, MC and Henry from Healing Hand 3?

Okies. It is a long entry. Should take a break from the typing! And resume next week. Enjoy and take cares people!=)
One of my favourite songs for you at the meantime:
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