can you feel the intensity?? something is going on.
(done by: san)

San met us out today to pass us some snacks she got from Japan. Each of us got a pack of "LOVE" including a love letter. lol. Here is a little visual recap of the mini-ceremony.

Today's gathering was interesting. We have 3 main conclusions.
1) YS's nick is officially 五千块. I dunno what happened. It seems like before I arrived they found out that he earned $5000 from his job. Wooo..
2) Ivan's Mr Nice Guy title is at stake!! He said this while we were discussing about the state of my Macbook: Macbook is for professional like Yong Sheng to use, you (yesh! me!!!) will only 糟塌 it. We were stunned cos we did not expect him to use 糟塌 such strong words. Lol. I threatened to look out my past entries and friendster photos that mentioned that he is Mr Nice Guy and cancel it. Lol. So funny. In the end, I kinda proved him right. I didnt know how to type Chinese with Mac so I asked him to help me.
3) Ahseow becomes Mr Honest. Wa kao!! He is so honest until he told us that super transparently how he uses the Levis vouchers we gave him for his birthday. He gave it to his friend as his 21st birthday since he has no time to go out and grab a gift for him. Dots. Our first birthday to him ended up on the body of some one else. Lol.
We had our dinner at Swensens@ WestMall. It is a place where you can really witness inflation conquering your wallet. Food portion is getting smaller, while the price is increasing.
P.S: seow, you see la. everyone's head positioned nicely, except yours. you cannot blame me for nagging just now hor. =p

Definitely agreed with san that I enjoyed today's gathering. Dunno what happened to seow. Suddenly, he becomes so high. Keep attacking Ivan. Whatever Ivan said or acted, he rebutted. It was so hilarious! I feel that Ivan and Seow could make a great couple.
3) Ahseow becomes Mr Honest. Wa kao!! He is so honest until he told us that super transparently how he uses the Levis vouchers we gave him for his birthday. He gave it to his friend as his 21st birthday since he has no time to go out and grab a gift for him. Dots. Our first birthday to him ended up on the body of some one else. Lol.
We had our dinner at Swensens@ WestMall. It is a place where you can really witness inflation conquering your wallet. Food portion is getting smaller, while the price is increasing.

Definitely agreed with san that I enjoyed today's gathering. Dunno what happened to seow. Suddenly, he becomes so high. Keep attacking Ivan. Whatever Ivan said or acted, he rebutted. It was so hilarious! I feel that Ivan and Seow could make a great couple.
Nonetheless, gals and guys.. MEET OUT SOON YA!!=) missing you all already!
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