Saturday, April 26, 2008

Green's Believe it or not.

Phew. My FOOD paper turned out to be alright. Didn't manage to finish studying for it but I guess always hold on to HOPE. Things will straighten itself! Now, I am down to the last one! HORaay! Lol. Soon I will be able to devote to my couch potato lifestyle and watch my shows in peace!! Lalalala!!

After leaving Denise, Esther and Van van yesterday, my sister called and shared with me the most explosive event her colleague (let's called her Mrs Unknown, Mrs.U) is going through now. It is unbelievable!!

# Mrs.U received a call from her 5 year old son's teacher. Apparently, her son was involved in a (minor or not? mmm..) case of molest. Her son was asked to strip of his shorts and underwear by.... a fellow girl classmate (also aged 5). She went on to play with his birdie in front the class. The lucky part is no one (except the teacher) in the class caught this. Gosh!!! #

What!! Truly unconceivable!! At such a tender age?? Mrs.U suspected that the girl was probably molested or raped. Or it is unimaginable how she could learn this kinda thing. I believe so too. Pooor Boy and Girl. Can perverts leave the kids alone? They need their innocent childhood okies! If I had a child and some dumb dumb go and try some thing funny like this, I swear I will chop off your hands!! Hais. What is the world coming to sia?

Okie dokie! Back to book. Cheers to soon-to-be-freedom!

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