Monday processed smoothly! Managed to hand up 317 essay without crop up. Managed to smoke through 302 lecture without being invited by wuzhao to present the answers to homework 7 (cos we didn't have the time to complete it keke). Managed to scrape through 317 tutorial presentation!.. Suddenly there is a huge relief of tensions. Except, the OVE stuff is kinda handy. Can't wait for MINDS tomorrow, GIRLS! *excited*
Today is quite an forgetable day. Seriously. I think 5 years down the road. I might not forget what Prof Benjamin showed us today in lecture. We consume meat every day but have no idea how some of these animals suffer brutality and cruelty that'll be deemed to be inhumane to be performed on human being. Yet, they are enacted on these livestock whose whole lives are devoted to be our plates. Throats slashed while the animals were alive and conscious, castrated and feeling the whole process, head sliced off and skinned when the animal was not dead. My heart really goes out to them when they moaned in pain and fear. Their eyes reflect nothing but saddness and emptiness.
We thought that it isn't so hard for the workers to wait for these livestock to be at least unconscious before slaughtering in a more ethical way. However, that would be incurring additional costs and efficiency. After all, in today's world, profits are largely valued. Not all these farms are handling their animals this way, but I wonder, "maybe I am consuming meats handled by these farms." One of the video urging us to "Go Veg" something like: It takes a little man to treat the animal cruelly, and it takes a even little man to eat it. May be, I am that "little man".
Modernity... hais.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money. -Cree Indian Proverb
Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money. -Cree Indian Proverb
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. -Native American Proverb (from:
Could this be the only solution to the environmental crisis?

On a brighter note.. (blink blink)
Could this be the only solution to the environmental crisis?

On a brighter note.. (blink blink)
Meet up with my ex-colleague, BoonWah last friday. He happened passed by NTU to meet his clients and decided to meet up. Kinda surprised and honored, I could say, that he arranged to meet up cos.. I wasn't really in his company (mine is a subsidiary of his). Nonetheless, enjoyed chatting with him. His thinkings are very.. profound. They make me realize some perspectives that are simple but tends to be forgotten. No wonder he can be a insurance agent! He told me about his NTU days. GOSH. He managed alot of activities sia!!! I wonder how can he managed! Super!! Guess what? He encourages me to join the Buddhist's society. He said they will have mediation sessions that are really relaxing. And.. I learnt that IT IS REALLY IMPT TO ENJOY YOUR WORK. Even since he has converted to it, I can tell that he is beaming non-stop, like the musical fountain! So I should strive to work and enjoy my work! Btw, TP is sold to Huangeng Group now. I wonder how are them coping with it.
Okies.. Gossip.. Gosssip. Don't know if you all have read this... Jolin and Jay were together! Jolin has confessed and talked about it. There was this article on Zao Bao about it. For those, who haven't read about it and understand Chinese, here is the article:
Someone used to ask me if I know what is the "love". I think we were fools at that time to think that Love can be defined and that we know its definition. I was reading through blogs during my "battle with 317" to destress. I realize there are many who are happy with their current love lives. There a few complaining. There are some yearning and mourning for that past love. A few are faced with troubled relationships.. While, one is still in hatred for the betrayal. So... what is love? There is no general answer to it, I guess.. Some said when you love someone, you will give all the happiness to the person (which is knda ethnocentric I think.) But there are some who think that if you really love the person, you must go for it till the end. And at different stage of the relationship, love becomes different too.. I dunnoo... I cannot conclude on it. But I just think that love is situational and depending on the background and personality of the other person. After all, “ 被爱的人爱是幸副的!不被爱的人爱是痛苦的!被不爱的人爱是恼人的!
(click for larger view)
So he did row 2 boats at 1 time? So.. he did lie to Jolin? Now listen to Jay's songs.. Listening to his soppy songs are like propaganda about his ideas of love.Someone used to ask me if I know what is the "love". I think we were fools at that time to think that Love can be defined and that we know its definition. I was reading through blogs during my "battle with 317" to destress. I realize there are many who are happy with their current love lives. There a few complaining. There are some yearning and mourning for that past love. A few are faced with troubled relationships.. While, one is still in hatred for the betrayal. So... what is love? There is no general answer to it, I guess.. Some said when you love someone, you will give all the happiness to the person (which is knda ethnocentric I think.) But there are some who think that if you really love the person, you must go for it till the end. And at different stage of the relationship, love becomes different too.. I dunnoo... I cannot conclude on it. But I just think that love is situational and depending on the background and personality of the other person. After all, “ 被爱的人爱是幸副的!不被爱的人爱是痛苦的!被不爱的人爱是恼人的!
Okies.. Some aesthetic stimulants (for me at least! lol)..

Molina @ Ice Pearl Creme! It's EUR 30.95... MMm.. When I strive lottery ba.

This is a real nice CK watch. You tied it rather than wear it like normal. So unique. This one.. I really understand what is Dream On! Cos it costs..$385!! *Gasp*

Forgot where I saw this. Sweet but sweeter for viewing than wearing.

I LOVE this.. I love bangles! But.. mmm. better save up for family dinner and baking, and a dramatic holiday!

Molina @ Ice Pearl Creme! It's EUR 30.95... MMm.. When I strive lottery ba.

This is a real nice CK watch. You tied it rather than wear it like normal. So unique. This one.. I really understand what is Dream On! Cos it costs..$385!! *Gasp*

Forgot where I saw this. Sweet but sweeter for viewing than wearing.

I LOVE this.. I love bangles! But.. mmm. better save up for family dinner and baking, and a dramatic holiday!
Okies, Ending... Sorry for the drag.. My brother is going to China for 2 weeks and he get to see PANDA!!! Hope he will enjoy the trip and his girlfriend's companion. To everyone studying, it'll be over soon. To san who is not feeling well, GET WELL SOON my dear! Muacks!
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