( can you feel the difference ? )

This conversation I had on last Sunday with this auntie while I was looking after the junks we'd collected from a block at Bishan, lingers in my mind all week. She loved to splurge during sales and ended up not using those purchases. In the end, she had to clear quite a lot of clothings that were new. She said that she made an effort not to go to sales anymore cos she could save thousands from these impulse purchases.
I have a bag of clothings collecting dust in a corner too. Though they don't cost as much as the auntie's, I believe there are a few hundred bucks wasted there. Those clothings no longer fit me, out of fashion or I don't like them anymore. I know it is unhealthy mentally and financially to splurge and buy on impulse but I can't stop the urge. Sales are always tempting us to fall into their traps. Advertisements are always targeting woman and constantly redefining beauty in term of consumption.
I vow to not fall into the prey of over-consumption in the year 2008! I am glad to announce that so far I have not purchase unnecessary or get stuffs on impulse! Thanks to san ( =D ) I did not get any clothing that I would regret buying!
Yesterday night was kinda sucky. I hated it when to argue with her cos it is mentally and emotionally taxing. It was easing the tension though. I feel that I can finally move on without that burden in my chest.
I was grateful to have Sab listening to me and advising me! And, she remembers my birthday and wants to celebrate with me if I have no date! And and, i told her about my intention to go for summer studies. She encouraged me to go cos it is a good exposure. I told her money is a big issue. Exchange rate for Euro Dollar is double and standard of living there is higher. She volunteers to lend me money if I don't have enough. All I have to do is to let her know earlier so she could save up! I was very touched. =)
My sister encourages me to go to summer studies too. In fact, she said GIP and Instep (which has a longer duration) is better. I replied that GIP and Instep are more expensive and my grades won't give me a placement. She said just go and try la. Money side, she will take care of it. No matter what, she will dig out the amount! She made this interesting comment. She said that I should just try cos 我有狗屎运!
Haha! Quite true! 我有狗屎运! I i am not the smart, pretty, talented, eloquent, rich or popular. However, I managed to scrape through life and never fall too seriously from grace. I don't know how but I managed to make it into university with my lousy grades. I have some good friends and family to salvage me from my blurness and ignorance. I may not have all but I have the best! Indeed, 狗屎运! =D
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