Visit dental today again. Filled 2 teeth. They hurt!! I mean, my gum and my heart. This trip cost $80! I am declaring bankruptcy soon.
Went to Jp to get 周杰倫's cd. But it is not out yet. It will only be out on 6th Nov. I cannot wait sia! And, finally, I got to satisfy my carving for Dou Hua! Been reading Denise's and Van's blog. They are driving me nuts!!! They are making me drooling on my macbook!! arugh!! .Lol.
Everyone is going to Jay's concert. Feel sad that I am not going. BUt.. it is alright. I think it is sensible that when I can go, i go. If I cannot, then forget about it. Don't force it. I don't want to be spendthrift. Nvm.. The feeling will be over soon!
Today feeling super fed up! Waited 45min for bus 79!!! Dots. Slept alot today. Haven't start studying today. Tonight cannot zzz sia. Hais. Whatever. Feeling abit more peaceful today but tired. Tomorrow will feel better!
Craving for:
1) Famous Amos' Butterscotch Cookies (drool drool)
2) Hongkong Cafe's Meee sua (from denise's blog)
3) Oreo Cheesecake
4) Tissue PRATA
5) Jackfruit
6) Durian
7) Sleeps
8) Bathtub bath
9) more sleeps
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