1) I'd gotten my mobile phone back. Called the campus security and the student services center. But in the end, I had to go back to hall 10 and recollect my phone! Although I had waited for 1.5 hours under the sun and accompanied by lotsa insects, I am so relieved to have gotten it back. Thanks for everyone who had helped (Van, Esther, Nurul and co, Seng Kiat, Elena, my SISter!). Thanks for everyone who shows so much valuable concerns! I love you all!
2) This is something that I feel really lucky about. On 27th Nov, I was supposed to have my HS207 Social Class and Inequality paper. All along, I thought the paper was started at 1430. Suddenly, out of nowhere and for no reason, I went to recheck the time at 930 on 27th morning. OMG. I had read the time wrongly. It was 1300, not 1430. Lucky I checked again man! This exam has been one full of lucks; I managed to get my phone back, I didn't miss 207, and importantly, the papers are okies. I think I may not score but I will at least pass, even for the killer HS201 Classical Social Theory! I feel so blessed. Thanks you for the mystical force out there who has been guiding me and looking after me! Thank you for fairy godmother!
After our last paper, Denise, Esther, Vanessa and Sengkiat, we went to Xin Wang the Hong Kong cafe for FOOD!! Haha. I think eating has become our tradition way to celebrate!
*the four of us*
*me, van van and denise*

*esther and her dumpling noddle soup. yummy yuummmy*
* van with her fish baked rice.. drooling*
*me and my mee sua.. mmm what is denise doing ?? .lol*
*okies. on your mark, 1.. 2.. 3.. attack!!!*
*opps. caught in the act*
We caught "Enchanted". My first movie with the gals! Haha. The movie is so sweet and funnnny! The dress, the mirror, the singing! So funny. And.. the show reminds me of all the Disney princesses' story that we have long thrown them at the back of our heads. I feel so enchanted after the show. Princess from the enchanted world coming to the real human world. It sorta make you feel that every one can be a princess so long as you find you true love!! I love the songs! Anyone who has the songs can send me???
Okies, that's all for today. Here's an enchanted music video for an enchanted closure.
Lastly... I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss!
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