Sunday, September 16, 2007

Seriously irritated. I have receiving a lot of comments that I am skinny and I am on diet.. Damn irritating. FOr heaven's sake, I AM EATING! It is just that I am not eating right in your face.

My parents and sister think that I am refusing food. However, they don't know that I am having my dinners outside because I am always going home late recently. In fact, I am spending a huge portion on food.

My friends think that I am on diet because I am not joining them for meal dates. The truth is my mother is feeding me very well, with heavy breakfast, tea break and lunch. How the hell can I squeeze in more food?? I am not a dinosaur in disguise man.

To prove that I am EATING, this is an account of what I have been eating yesterday:

Breakfast: 3 slice of pork floss bread wit coffee
Lunch: Fishball Guo Tiao Soup
Tea Break: 2&half donunts
Dinner: Carrot cake
Supper cum snack: Cuttlefish, chocolate chip cookies and 2 kiwis.

Yeah! So I am eating!!! The only guilt that I am having now is that I am inputting too much junk food. That's all.

Guys are damn irritating. They will say that they don't understand why girls always care so much about their weight. They don't understand why girls can resist good food and go on diet. Face the truth man!! You all institutionalized that GIRLS MUST BE SLIM! How many times have I heard comments like "That girl has fat thighs!", "Her thighs are twice as big as mine.", "Wa, look at her cellulites.", "Da Bai Sha coming sia!" etc? COUNTLESS.

So the next time, a girl faints from anorexia or bulimia, guys, please point to yourselves. You are the cause!!

Marx said that history is a series of class struggles. So is the the history of female oppression! And man is the oppressor!

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