Today we (Ah San, Ah Kai + me) finally went back to our primary school: Oifa Primary School! It has been around four years since I last went back. As I walked along the same road that lead to that building which I spent my gon gon years in, beautiful memories found me.
It was saddening that major parts of our old buildings are torn down for reconstruction. The canteen, hall, assembly square are newly constructed. Even the flag poles are new, man! One weird thing is that, the chinese name for Qifa Primary School is 启发学校, not 启发小学. Ah Kai and I remembered very clearly that it was 启发小学 lo. My memory might be bad, but I trust Ah Kai's. This is puzzling, man.
Luckily, our classroom buildings are still standing tall and proud! Haha. The classroom layout is quite messy though. Last time, all the classes were arranged according to levels. Now, all the levels are mixed in each floor. We had a hard time looking for our classrooms! FINALLY, we found our classroom for 6E. Haha. Now the students decorate the glass panels outside the classrooms. And, the "6E classroom" has the most interesting and colourful decorations (see the picture below, bottom right corner).

Top left corner: Our Staircase! I remember I always rushed down for lunch before my Prefect duty (if not, no time for lunch sia >< haha).
Top right corner: Our pond! We still to go there to observe tadpoles for our science classes. There were alot of tadpoles there!!! Not quite a pleasant sight, man! Haha. There were a couple of rabbits there also. I always liked to go there and stare at them. I wonder what happened to them...
Bottom left corner: Ah San's empty space where her girl scouts would gather. Last time, when I was in the science club, I always looked at them and regretted not joining the girl scouts.

Top left corner: Ah Kai's science's corner! She always had to guard that corner for her Prefect duty. When I was slack, I would sat there with Hui Xian or Yvonne or by myself.
Bottom left corner: I cannot remember this but San and Kai said that we used to pass money out through the gaps to the prefects so that they could help us buy lunches first.
Bottom right corner: Now, they have the Cleanest Class Certification. SO cool!
Other memories include:
[ San and Kai always ran down to their slibling's class to look for them. ]
[ Jian Xian always fought with his Indian boy in class. Once he threw his shoe out of the window. Mrs Lim scolded him. He was unhappy and wanted to hit the teacher. In the end, police was included. I wonder how he is now. Although he is violent, he is very loyal one. He told me while in secondary school if anyone bullied me, I could look for him. =[ ]
[ Yik Liang and Jian Xian, the tough guys, got freak out when they had to take BCG. I think Yik Liang cried. ]
[ We miss the sports day held in our own school field. It feels like we owned our sport day. Unless secondary school. We had to go the stadium. It was so commercialized. Once I joined this skipping event. We got ourselves dirty with mud but that kinda time could be found anymore now. Ah san said they drew some nice pictures on the blackboard after one sports day. The drawing was so beautiful but they had to erase it off because they feared that the teacher will scold them. Haha ]
[ Oh ya, not to forgot our five stones and zero point! We liked to play zero point at the area behind the school hall during recess time. And that area, is where we would brush our teeth together once a week. So cute! I love the mini mug and tooth brush. Gee. And I always forgot to bring that. Haha. ]
[ Sher Ning liked to struggle me during class. Kian Suan would always ask him to stop. ]
Those were really the days and I really miss those days. It is impossible to go back to those day now! But a lesson to be learnt is.. always do create beautiful history so that one day when you sit there and think back, memories will bring an unexpected smile.

Qifa's Webbie: http://schools.moe.edu.sg/qifaps/
(P.S: All photos grabbed from Ah San's blog)
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