Guitar lesson today was so fun~!!! Especially with Dan and Ah Zi around. Dan was really lame. He dared Ah Zi to talk to this girl beside hiM! Damn lame. In the end, Ah Zi did it sia!!! He even got her number! We owe him a KFC meal! Then instructor asked us if any of us played instrument so he could promote us to Intermediate level (the beginner class is too big). Dan dared me to tell the teacher I played recorder. I did but I distorted it abit; I said he played! He confused the instructor by saying that I played recorder, played piano! The instructor already looked so blur le! He just made him more confused sia! Haha!
Btw, the instructor looked very cute. He looked like some cartoon character. Ah Zi said he look like rat!! He looked blur blur one, and didn't seems like a guitar instructor. But, when he illustrated what was a beat to us, our jaws just dropped! His fingers moved so damn fast!!!!!! haha! Look is really deceiving!!
The president in the club was cute too! He kept tripping and nearly fell! The way he taught us "Do Re Mi" was so hilarious. He always forgot to indicate the time signature. Shaun said he is pro sia. He can just listen to the song and play it on guitar! Hope I can get to hear it soon.
MMm.. Having alittle trouble with the notes, but I guess that will be better as time goes along. Hopefully, we can master it. Haha. This should be my first step to incorporate music in my life. After guitar, I will go on to piano and cello! Yeah~! Seriously can't wait to get my hands on guitar!! Hope next week will come soon!
Damn irritated!! Don't understand my readings! Karl Marx is really killing me! Nonetheless, he is damn farsighted. Hais. I wonder will I be at least half as good as him?!?
Very touched that ASK insisted that I used his mobile plan to sign for a new phone. Hais. I realized I am also as bad as those I dislike.
I really hate where I am now. It seems like I am being dragged around by the larger force. There seems to be nothing I can do but just to follow the lead. Gotta buck up!!!! Someone said "It's more of our choices that determine who we are and not our abilities." It is so true. I get the opportunity now. It means I have this chance to be what I can be! Rather letting what I think I cannot be affected me. Yeah! Bring it oN~!!
Thank you for the cares and genuine friendship! I am blessed. I don't what I've done to deserve this.. but.. thank you for being there.. for being supportive.. for being true...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
No excuse. Engage the Deaf!
The long-anticipated Deaf Run happened this morning at 8am! It aims to promote employment for the Deaf. It was a sucessful event and personal achievement for most people. I could tell alot of the participants were giving their best shot. For me, I was intending to walk all the way because I woke up with super lazy body and mind. Haha! I even wore sneaker instead of sport shoes to the run. However, I managed to jog most of the times and walk abit. It was really hard to walk when the others were trying their best to run. At least, we had given all our efforts to promote awareness to engage the Deaf. Btw, thank you Da Ben DAn and Mel for slowing down your pace to wait for me! I know Da Ben Dan, you wana sprint all the way to attract girls de right.. Muhaha! Thank you for slowing down and wait for me and, of course, the entertainment! You're matapang!!
The next event I am really looking for is the Amazing Race! I bet it will be fun and challenge. Okies, I don’t want to blog much. Feeling really tired and abit sick sick de...
The next event I am really looking for is the Amazing Race! I bet it will be fun and challenge. Okies, I don’t want to blog much. Feeling really tired and abit sick sick de...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
It was quite awhile since my last update! I am quite busy and tired these days. Plus, I still haven't got back my laptop. My sista needs to use the computer for her school project. Thus, I didn't get the chance to update.
So today I should summarize my week in brief manner. Haha.
17 August 2007 (Friday)
Met up with Rainbow and Angie! We went to Swensons and chit-chatted over a sugar-loaded fondue!
Rainbow talked about her life stories. I couldn’t believe she went through so much. And the point is.. all the time I was with her during our working days, she seemed fine to me. She might to hold on and be strong all these while. It is really tough of her. She is my heroine!!!
16 August 2007 (Saturday)
My tutor got her mid-term results. So damn zai, man. Scored quite high for her Maths and Science. But... she got quite low for her English. =[ She said that her teacher gave them normal academic work to do and calculated their mid-term grade based on that. It wasn’t fair!!! Nonetheless, I gonna work her hard on English!.. Hope that I will be able to help her to get her promotion to Normal Academic. I guess that the only thing I can do for her before I leave her to the next tutor.
17 August 2007 (Sunday)
Damn lame, I went to go to print notes. But the libraries weren't open! Sux!!!
Met up with Francis and got the Bumblebee he got for me! I am very touched. So I am going save up for a good Christmas present for him!
18 August 2007 (Monday)
Hais.. Lectures and tutorial! Marx, Hegel and Feuerbach are killing me with their "Dialectic and Materialism"!
Elena, Adrella and I went for Yoga class from Pretty Tuff. It was a surprise when Adrella told me she was going to Yoga class after our HS201 tutorial!! I found the class relatively okies. There were some moves I could do but it was much better than the other classes I had. OMg. Some instructors really came and bent my body. It was scary! Nonetheless, the yoga mat is super smelly. How can we rest our forehead on the mat??? haha
Towards the last part, we were supposed to close our eyes and relax while regulating our breathing. Somehow, I thought about Philippines… and drifted off to sleep. When I woke up, I thought I was still in Philippines. But I didn’t get why some one was asking me to breathing in and out. I thought I was giving birth over there! Den I realized I was in the middle of the yoga class. Haha.
Surprisingly, the first session was relaxing! It was unlike my past experience! Kinda look forward to the next lesson! Haha!.
19 August 2007 (Tuesday)
Tutorals and lecture today sux!!! Cos I didn’t read the readings, I was kinda lost! And and Marx, Hegel and Feuerbach are still stalking and torturing me!
Went jogging with Dan, Ah Zi and Kenny. Haha! They found a handphone and were hoping the owner was a pretty girl. But.. they said she was not.. =.= haha..
Hais. I really want help him. But I dunno how to. He was there for me when I was down and hopeless. Now, I know I cannot help him at all. It feels disgusting to see him like that.
Barricade and Bumblebee had the final battle today! Haha. Jeremy wanted revenge for the humiliations his Barricade suffered in Philippines. The loser would do spilt! But but… my Bumblebee looks so cool when doing spilt!!! Bleah. I guess I will leave you to judge who is the winner!
20 August 2007 (Wednesday)
Went to dental again! This time round damn pain!!! Even today, I still feel the pain! It costs $75. OMG. So far I've spent $140 on dental! I still need to go back for more. Damn broke! I really got so much decays???
Dan, Ah Zi and I went for guitar auction! It is cool man!!! Can't wait to get my own guitar and start playing it (though I will be damn broke by then). Haha.. Mmm. Somehow i feel that I joined too much things. Gonna stop joining le!
So today I should summarize my week in brief manner. Haha.
17 August 2007 (Friday)
Met up with Rainbow and Angie! We went to Swensons and chit-chatted over a sugar-loaded fondue!
16 August 2007 (Saturday)
My tutor got her mid-term results. So damn zai, man. Scored quite high for her Maths and Science. But... she got quite low for her English. =[ She said that her teacher gave them normal academic work to do and calculated their mid-term grade based on that. It wasn’t fair!!! Nonetheless, I gonna work her hard on English!.. Hope that I will be able to help her to get her promotion to Normal Academic. I guess that the only thing I can do for her before I leave her to the next tutor.
17 August 2007 (Sunday)
Damn lame, I went to go to print notes. But the libraries weren't open! Sux!!!
Met up with Francis and got the Bumblebee he got for me! I am very touched. So I am going save up for a good Christmas present for him!
18 August 2007 (Monday)
Hais.. Lectures and tutorial! Marx, Hegel and Feuerbach are killing me with their "Dialectic and Materialism"!
Elena, Adrella and I went for Yoga class from Pretty Tuff. It was a surprise when Adrella told me she was going to Yoga class after our HS201 tutorial!! I found the class relatively okies. There were some moves I could do but it was much better than the other classes I had. OMg. Some instructors really came and bent my body. It was scary! Nonetheless, the yoga mat is super smelly. How can we rest our forehead on the mat??? haha
Towards the last part, we were supposed to close our eyes and relax while regulating our breathing. Somehow, I thought about Philippines… and drifted off to sleep. When I woke up, I thought I was still in Philippines. But I didn’t get why some one was asking me to breathing in and out. I thought I was giving birth over there! Den I realized I was in the middle of the yoga class. Haha.
Surprisingly, the first session was relaxing! It was unlike my past experience! Kinda look forward to the next lesson! Haha!.
19 August 2007 (Tuesday)
Tutorals and lecture today sux!!! Cos I didn’t read the readings, I was kinda lost! And and Marx, Hegel and Feuerbach are still stalking and torturing me!
Went jogging with Dan, Ah Zi and Kenny. Haha! They found a handphone and were hoping the owner was a pretty girl. But.. they said she was not.. =.= haha..
Hais. I really want help him. But I dunno how to. He was there for me when I was down and hopeless. Now, I know I cannot help him at all. It feels disgusting to see him like that.
Barricade and Bumblebee had the final battle today! Haha. Jeremy wanted revenge for the humiliations his Barricade suffered in Philippines. The loser would do spilt! But but… my Bumblebee looks so cool when doing spilt!!! Bleah. I guess I will leave you to judge who is the winner!

20 August 2007 (Wednesday)
Went to dental again! This time round damn pain!!! Even today, I still feel the pain! It costs $75. OMG. So far I've spent $140 on dental! I still need to go back for more. Damn broke! I really got so much decays???
Dan, Ah Zi and I went for guitar auction! It is cool man!!! Can't wait to get my own guitar and start playing it (though I will be damn broke by then). Haha.. Mmm. Somehow i feel that I joined too much things. Gonna stop joining le!
Friday, August 17, 2007
to my dear ah san
Thursday, August 16, 2007
gu kee gu gu gu!

This one is kinda small though. If it was like Desmond's Optimus Prime and Mingyang's Star Scream size, it would be perfect! Mingyang's Star Scream is damn cool!!!! Hope I will get a photo of it!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
dinner with shan shan
Went for dinner with Shan shan, Dan and Mel. This was our first dinner ever since Shan shan started her nursing job!! Jia you okies Shan shan!!!
Thank you for the gift! I've made good use of it. Hee.!

New addition to our sistahood! Danielle!! Haha! Thanks dan! For being so sporting and letting us tried out the colors on ya nails!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Went for this Scrapbook course at "Make With Love"in PS. It was fun. We learnt about the basic of making scrapbook and got to make our own scrapbook pages! Ar. I chose the wrong patterned paper. It turned out ... average. Intending to give it to someone for her birthday. Haha! I think she sure laugh at my art skills again!

And I was quite stunned that Jeremy went for the course before too!.. Mmm. Who is he scrappping for??? Scandalous! Must pester him for an answer! haha!
Donuts alert! Just found out that there was a new donut shop at PS! MISSY DONUT! Wanted to grab a few pieces and tried.. But there was quite a long queue. SO in conclusion, Singaporeans really love to queue! Haha! Honestly, I think Krispy Creme is the best by far. I think the quality of the bread. But.. the tops are too sweet!!!! I am missing Krispy Kreme. (Mmm, kinda wonder is it because I miss Philippines, that's why I miss Krispy Kreme? Shrugs! Dunno! Haha!). Dunkin Donuts is good too. But again, the topping is too sweet (for me)!
Oh. There is also a cupcake craze, man! check out this site: . The cupcakes are GORGEOUS! But the amount of cream used turns me off! Yesterday, I had this Chocolate Banana cake from Secret Recipe. It was quite nice, except that it had more cream than cake. After the scrapbook course, I was experiencing serious bus sick! I wanted to puke but I was controlling my urge to! While I was walking home, I puked in my mouth! I couldn't find any place to empty the content in my mouth. So I had to hold it and empty it when I reached home. OMG. I could taste the banana cube with a blend of banana, chocolate and stomach acid. Damn gross man.
Lesson learnt: No cream before long bus or car journey!
Donuts alert! Just found out that there was a new donut shop at PS! MISSY DONUT! Wanted to grab a few pieces and tried.. But there was quite a long queue. SO in conclusion, Singaporeans really love to queue! Haha! Honestly, I think Krispy Creme is the best by far. I think the quality of the bread. But.. the tops are too sweet!!!! I am missing Krispy Kreme. (Mmm, kinda wonder is it because I miss Philippines, that's why I miss Krispy Kreme? Shrugs! Dunno! Haha!). Dunkin Donuts is good too. But again, the topping is too sweet (for me)!
Oh. There is also a cupcake craze, man! check out this site: . The cupcakes are GORGEOUS! But the amount of cream used turns me off! Yesterday, I had this Chocolate Banana cake from Secret Recipe. It was quite nice, except that it had more cream than cake. After the scrapbook course, I was experiencing serious bus sick! I wanted to puke but I was controlling my urge to! While I was walking home, I puked in my mouth! I couldn't find any place to empty the content in my mouth. So I had to hold it and empty it when I reached home. OMG. I could taste the banana cube with a blend of banana, chocolate and stomach acid. Damn gross man.
Lesson learnt: No cream before long bus or car journey!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Damn unluckily man! First my handphone failed me. Now, my laptop. My laptop crashed again! Arugh!!!! The crazy-but-I-love-it photos that i took with my cousin in the morning are gone man!!! I wana bite people! The visiting-service center craze is back!! I think my brain gonna spoil too!
P.S: Ah San, can you send me the loving photos we took at your home? Thank you so muchies!
P.S: Ah San, can you send me the loving photos we took at your home? Thank you so muchies!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
the first full lecture of semester 2
I was stoning in Classical Social Theory lecture. All the way through the video and Prof Kwon's lecturing. =[ Dots.. Gotta buck up!!!!
Goals for this semster:
1) Pull up my GPA
2) Exercise more
3) Learn guitar
Goals for this semster:
1) Pull up my GPA
2) Exercise more
3) Learn guitar
Sunday, August 5, 2007
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